Sunday, August 28, 2011



you know some girly kids play with barbie doll...
well i have a different hobby in mind..
i collect magazine!

as you can see my this is only half of my collection!! hahahaha

i follow Straz like crazy! its an anime meg..i collect this since the 1st issue..

well as you can see...starz inspire me the most in drawings..
somehow i knew i wanted to be an artist!!

hype! a movie meg..

all of this meg is actually under one company name GEMPAK..i was reading this since i was like 10years old!! hahaha

Utopia! another gossip meg...hahahaha

hahaha guess what i actually buy some Chinese meg(even though i cant READ Chinese) just because the cover is inveresting!!
talk about PSYCHO!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Raja Lyara

my cousin work "Raja Lyara" or she would like to be known as "Erilyss Zeek"

randomly taking picture of the stuff in her room...

she does wonderful DOOODLEEE toooo

the kid in her will allways remains

cousin...what are u doing taking pics in ur toilet...u better not be naked!!!

p.s lyara dear...miss having u around...see u soon...